Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Books #5 & 6: Charmed Thirds and Fourth Comings

The fifth and sixth books I have read this year are--dun dun dun DUN!--Charmed Thirds and Fourth Comings. I truly cannot express how amazing I find this series. I cannot. Just... ahhhhh. Please read them. Hopefully I can get my hands on Perfect Fifths soon.

I must be off to continue watching the amazing John Green live on Helping Haiti Heal. This is necessary because John is awesome and I must let my brain rest before tackling my evil homework.

[I'm at school 8 hours a day... and then there is homework. I break down regularly because my brain is so often turned into the consistency of melted ice cream. ANYWAY.]

1 comment:

  1. Many hurrays to that sister!

    They truly rock.
