Thursday, February 4, 2010

Book #7: Princess on the Brink

I admit it: It has been a very long time since I last read a Princess Diaries novel. I'm pretty sure I picked up where I last left off in the series, but WHO KNOWS really? Not me.

This was a very quick read, and I found it an entertaining way to pass time during school so my brain does not turn into complete mush, but.... there's a but. Or a few. This could be be because I haven't read this series in so long, but I have a few qualms. Here are a few. That I can think of. In this moment. In no particular order:

1. Mia is annoying. Not TOO annoying. I wasn't reduced to smashing my head against a desk or anything that dramatic. But she's annoying. There's a lot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! going on, which I guess I can relate to, but still.
2. When the whole 'Precious Gift' situation was going on and Michael's secret had been revealed, and everyone but Mia thought it wasn't a big deal, I had to agree (I guess) with Mia. Everyone was like: "Well, he didn't lie to you. He just didn't mention it." Maybe this isn't so much a qualm as a tirade against Mia's friends and family. I don't know what I'm saying. Moving ON.
3. What's with Kenny and J.P.? They're weird. Who IS J.P., anyway? In fact, I'm vague on who both of them are. It's been a long time.
4. I think Lars is cool. Just saying.

I so fail at this blog. My apologies. In other news, I started Thwonk by Joan Bauer today, and so far I'm annoyed at it. This is unfortunate because I loved (and still love) Rules of the Road and do not want to taint that childhood memory. Not that it will. Maybe it gets better. The 'ZOMG I am a stalker of Random Dude, whom I love' bit is nauseating me.


  1. Yay for PD!

    I do get what you mean about Mia. But it gets better, seriously. And, yes, Lars kinda rocks. And I think JP starts out as the guy with the corn thing that she wrote a story about.

    And I loved Thwonk! Well, maybe not loved, but certainly enjoyed. But I read it a loooooong time ago, so who knows, if I were to read it today I might hate it.

  2. I'm sure I'll finish the series eventually--maybe even this year. I guess I'll just have to wait for it to get better. :)

    I only read the first chapter of Thwonk, so for all I know it gets awesome. I set it aside, though... I'll have to get back to it.

    [I suck so much for not emailing you. I suck I suck I suck. I'm so sorry.]
