Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1st

Today is January 1st. In case you aren't aware of this. Interestingly, this is the only resolution I've decided on so far. I've never been big on resolutions, so maybe this will be the only one. Who knows?

Last year I read 50 books. These books, specifically. I also track what I'm reading, etc, here. So if you're interested in that sort of stuff, have at it. And, of course, I'm always on Twitter complaining about one thing or another, so there's always that for entertainment.

To be honest, I have no clear plan as to how I am going to do this. I'm hoping it will magically fall into place, because I am not a very scientifical person. This could never fail!

So, the lineup so far is this: Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes, Little Stalker by Jennifer Belle and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Why, might you ask? Because I started them in December and have yet to finish them. I am going to count them for 2010... because I can.

The Kite Runner I have to finish by Monday, because I was supposed to read it during break for my English class. Bad Katherine!

The last piece of information I have for you before I sign off is this: I do have quite a few books lined up to read (not that I know the order, but they're sitting in various stacks around this room), but I -did- get a Kindle for Christmas, so if you have any suggestions, feel free! Rationing Amazon gift cards happens to be my specialty.

Happy New Year!


  1. HOLY CRAP. You'd better finish this...or else I'll be sad.

  2. Well, I certainly wouldn't want you to be sad... I'm going to try!

  3. I forgot about your Kindle! This is the best challenge ever for you.
    Also, I have a copy of The Kite Runner in my pile of about a dozen books-I-bought-and-have-yet-to-read, so it'll probably be somewhere in my lineup for 2010, too. :D
