Saturday, June 5, 2010

Book #29: The Catcher In the Rye

Please feel free to leave me hate mail in the comments for not keeping up with this. This past month has been an explosion of stuff happening, and reading fell to the wayside. Which is not at all awesome, but I'm still motivated to do this... so here we are.

I read most of this over a month ago, but I only just finished it now. There were, I kid you not, only about five pages left for me to read. The fact that I do this so often annoys me, but I do. Even more incriminating is the fact that I just looked and I have eight such books awaiting completion. Oops?

In any event, I enjoyed Catcher in the Rye much more than I thought I would. Maybe this sounds odd, but I always figured I might hate it. Holden's way of speaking was really neat to me, and his observations apt, and lots of other nice things.

I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot. (18)

As a matter of fact, my father was a Catholic once. He quit, though, when he married my mother. (112)

It always smelled like it was raining outside, even if it wasn't, and you were in the only nice, dry, cosy place in the world. (120)

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